Education, Opportunity, Hope: for the people of Guatemala



Opportunity and Hope for People in Need:

Nearly 2 million tourists a year visit Guatemala. They come to experience its beautiful scenery and rich culture. But what many don’t realize is that the source of that cultural experience – Guatemala’s Mayan indigenous population – often lives at the margins of society.
Due to a long history of neglect and discrimination, they are cut off from educational and employment opportunities. As a result, they often live in poverty and quiet desperation.

But they want a better life – especially for their children. They don’t want a handout, they want a chance – an education for their kids, or help starting a small business.

That is where we, and you, come in. Together, we can help to bring an end to centuries of neglect. We can educate kids, and bring hope to their families.


Join Us!



In Their Own Words:





Latest News

Community Leader Assasinated

This is Luis For the past 10 years, Luis fought poverty and injustice in rural Guatemala Because of this work, on August 29th 2019, Luis was brutally Assassinated   Luis worked with our mission since our founding.For many years, he led our team in Guatemala. Luis was very poor himself, but he dedicated his life…

Water Filters to prevent Illness

Together with the Rotary Club of Georgetown, Hope for the Rio Dulce has helped to coordinate the distribution of water filters to villages that lack clean sources of water. These small filters allow a family to filter almost any type of water – from well water to water from the river. The filtered water is…

The Gift of Water

Thanks to generous donations, Hope for the Rio Dulce was able to provide a pump, tubing, and supplies to get a water supply up and running in the village of Colacles. Colocales is a village on the edge of Lake Izabal. The village had a well, but no pump or other needed supplies that would…